Salam alykum
Searching for a wife: I'm a new Muslim (sunni) from Germany and I unfortunately can't speak Turkish. Germany is my motherland but I not want to stay and live any longer in a land which fights against our Islamic Brothers and Sisters in Afghanistan together with the USA, that can't be right (in Afghanistan are over 60.000 German soldiers stationed - in Iraq aren't any German soldiers). Turkey was always the land in the world which I like the most of all, so I would like to search for a Turkish wife which feels free enough to marry me. Please marry me! Really. I want to leave this land already this week (I alone).
I'm 29 years old and I have really as good as nothing, except my inventions (look at which I have already declared by the German Patent and Trademark Office, I have developed many different engines, for example a car engine which could be used with pulverized biomass like pulverized wood. Unfortunately I haven't found any interested parties for this inventions. Now I'm developing, and again on my own, a new invention against HIV (I myself are healthy and don't have HIV or anything else, I know this because I was spending blood in 2003, there hadn't been any risk also) and I hope that I can finish the rest of the invention against HIV in Turkey, Marketing also, my hope is that I or better we will be successful, but I don't know it.
I'm very gentle, lovingly and friendly, I believe in fidelity and you can trust me like your best friend, I'm very tolerant and I try to speak only good about other people. Health is important for me and I like doing sports very much, I don't drink alcohol or coffee and I don't smoke also. My drivers license for car and motorcycle haven't been used since 2006, since I sold my last car. It wasn't much fun but I'm already circumcised (circumcision) successfully. The languages which I could speak are English (not very good) and German, but I would like to learn Turkish also.
To pray five times a day is very important for me and I try to live the Islam very good, I believe in Allah and Muhammed (s.a.w.s.) and in the infinite Paradise. I tried to bring the Islam closer to my parents also, but unfortunately they don't converted to the Islam until now.
To marry would be good, I think that it also would be very good to keep physical distance, at least in the first time. Altogether I'm a very modest person, it's only very important for me to find someone who is gentle and can't live without praying five times a day. If you would like to marry me, please write something about you, your live and please send me a real photo also (,, - better use all my mailaddresses). I will answer your email anyway. Or if you know a she which possibly want to marry me, please show her this email.
One old and some new pictures of me, which my sister has taken yesterday, have I loaded up on my homepage:
Salam alykum Muhammad Ali