Bible Toolbox by Authentic Walk Ministries

Daily Heartlight -- October 24, 2007

\ / HEARTLIGHT(R) Magazine --
October 24, 2007

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=========================== TODAY'S ARTICLE ==========================

Invited into the Family, by Tim Archer

You have been invited to become a member of God's family. I know that
sounds strange: ordinary humans entering into a relationship with the
God that created them. Yet that's exactly what God has offered us.
You'll hear this referred to in different ways: salvation, being born
again, coming to Jesus, becoming a Christian. While many other terms
are appropriate, I can best relate to the idea of coming into God's

You see, God is a God of relationships. It was He that came looking for
man, not vice versa. The Bible tells us that it was love that motivated
God to reach out to man. It was God who first made the gesture of
trying to fix our broken relationship.

But what happened to our relationship with God? Why did it need fixing?
If He created us, why can't we all just be with Him? The way I
understand it, it all comes down to God's nature. For example, God is
light, so darkness cannot be where He is. God is truth, so all untruth
is away from Him. God is life, so death is banished from His presence.
And God is holy, God is pure, God is untouched by evil. Therefore
everyone who has sinned cannot live with God. And because we all have
sinned, we are disqualified from being in God's family.

Humans, imperfect as we are, can come to be included in God's family.

The stains that sin leaves last a lifetime ... and beyond. Only someone
who has never sinned can possibly take them away. That's why God sent
His son Jesus. Jesus came to earth and lived a life without sin. His
unjust death opened the way for us to receive the forgiveness of our
sins. We can let His death be the payment for our sins. His innocent
blood is able to wash away the stains of sin, allowing us to be holy
like God, allowing us to be adopted into God's family. This is the good
news that God has for mankind: through Jesus Christ and His death, God
has provided the way in which we can have a complete relationship with

Humans, imperfect as we are, can come to be included in God's family.
The apostle John wrote about Jesus: "Yet to all who received him, to
those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of
God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a
husband's will, but born of God." (John 1:12-13)

You've been invited into the family. It's a special invitation, just
for you. Invited to be part of the family of God. If you'd like to know
more, write to me at If you've got a comment or
question about what I've written here, share it with us at our blog at .

(Expressed written consent must be obtained prior to republishing,
retransmitting or otherwise reusing the content of this article.
Contact us at

Are you presently experiencing a new life? God's word says, "if anyone
is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has

This new life is a free gift of God through faith in Jesus Christ. If
you want to know more about this life that only Jesus can give you,
sign up for one of our Bible courses. Wherever you are in life,
whatever you've done, you can begin again.

You may also contact us at if you have questions
about becoming a new creation.

(c) 2007 Herald of Truth

* The Disease
* Power to Change
* Confessions of a Perfectionist
* HopeForLife

This article can be found on the web at:

=========================== FEATURED PRODUCT =========================

SEE THE MORNING, by Chris Tomlin
Award-winning artist Tomlin offers a whole new set of soul-inspiring
easy-to-sing songs about God's faithfulness.

Find more great books, CDs and videos at the Heartlight store! With
each purchase you make, you're helping to support Heartlight's
ministry. Thanks SO MUCH for your help!

===============================================================\ /===


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EDITOR: Phil Ware,

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