\ / HEARTLIGHT(R) Magazine --
November 22, 2007
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=========================== TODAY'S ARTICLE ==========================
Children on Thanksgiving, by Alan Smith
With today being Thanksgiving for those in the U.S., I thought you
might enjoy these excerpts from a book called "Then Some Other Things
Happened", a collection of short pieces about history written by eighth
graders and compiled by Bill Lawrence, a teacher and columnist.
The Pilgrams were a bunch of English wonderers who wanted to
worship as they wanted to. They excaped the Church of England and
came over here because they heard that American churches were
The May Flower was the ship with which they came in. It didn't have
a bathroom on board so there was quite an oder. Priscillia Mullins
was the captain.
First the Pilgrams had gone to Holland but left when their children
started developing customs there. After a stopover at Williamsbug
when a large storm blew them off course they landed on a big,
slimey rock in Massatusetts. They spent the winter there.
Before they got off the ship even they drew up an agreement for the
people of Plymouth to agree on the voting for governors and
congressmen. They kept this hid in the May Flower Compact. Lord
Delaware was elected the first governor of Plymouth Rock.
A friendly Indian named Rhone Oak showed the Pilgrams how to plant
corn by putting it in the ground. Rhone Oak had been the first
Indian to come to America. He traveled around with Miles Standy and
translated language. He knew enough English to interupt.
Another interupter for the white man was Squanto, who was called
that because he was so short. Squanto drew up a declaration to give
the settlers freedom of goverment in the new land. The Pilgrams
gave the Indians thanks for all this and that's what started
The Pilgrams then appointed Thanksgiving as a national holiday.
Abraham Lincoln later pronounced it and gave it to them and it soon
became a national holiday all around the world.
Let's remember why we are giving thanks!
These people always wore old shoes with a big buckel on the top of
them. The men wore pants that only came a little ways past the
knees and the girls wore funny bonets.
But if these people wouldn't had of come to America the United
States wouldn't be like it is today.
It's easy to forget the Source of all we enjoy.
Thanksgiving is a time for turkey (with all the trimmings), family
get-togethers, football, and pumpkin pie. More importantly, however, it
is a time to be reminded of how God has richly blessed us. "It's easy
to forget the Source of all we enjoy." Perhaps we would do well to be
reminded of the warning given to the Israelites as they entered the
land of Canaan:
Beware that you do not forget the LORD your God by not keeping His
commandments, His judgments, and His statutes which I command you
today, lest -- when you have eaten and are full, and have built
beautiful houses and dwell in them; and when your herds and your
flocks multiply, and your silver and your gold are multiplied, and
all that you have is multiplied; when your heart is lifted up, and
you forget the LORD your God who brought you out of the land of
Egypt, from the house of bondage ... then you say in your heart,
"My power and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth." And
you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you
power to get wealth (Deuteronomy 8:10-18).
Have a great Thanksgiving and let's remember why we're giving thanks!
(c) 2007 Alan Smith <alansmith.servant@gmail.com>. Used by
permission. This devotional was reprinted from Thought for the
Day <http://www.TFTD-online.com>.
* Lord of the Banquet
* Upside-Down Blessings
* Giving Produces Thanksgiving
* Thought for the Day
This article can be found on the web at:
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EDITOR: Phil Ware, phil@heartlight.org
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