Bible Toolbox by Authentic Walk Ministries

Mustard Seed Thought: 100 Part 1

Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Psalm100:1 NIV

"Where's your joy?" A good friend asked me that question once as I was in the middle of a "pity party". He wasn't trying to be rude or uncaring; he was just trying to remind me where my hope comes from. The reason the Psalmist tells us to shout for joy to the Lord, is because it is in the Lord that we find the strength to have joy; even in the midst of trials.

When I see that phrase "all the earth", I'm reminded that not everyone believes in the Lord of the Bible. Yet, while their belief may be different, their need is the same. One day our Lord will return and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

The whole world needs Jesus in order to experience real joy. If that is true, and it is, how much more do you and I, the children of God need Jesus? When Jesus becomes the central part and focus of our life, then we can truly "Shout for joy to the LORD"!

Where's your joy?

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Mustard Seeds are a free, daily emailed devotional of Mustard Seed Ministry. If you have spiritual issues to discuss, send an email to

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