Bible Toolbox by Authentic Walk Ministries


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- Attention Dear, I have Paid for the delivery fee for your Cheque Draft.but the manager of Eko Bank Benin told me that before the check will get to you that it will expire.So i told him to cash $1.5 million USD all the necessary arrangement of delivering the $1.5 million USD in cash was made with FEDEX COURIER COMPANY PLC. Be inform that there are some documents to be secured.The only fee you have to send to them is $125 usd which will serve as the insurance fee and claims of affadvite to enable them deliver the parcel to you immediately. Do contact them and let me know when you have recieve your fund, below is the needed information to enable them deliver your fund to you immediately. FEDEX COURIER COMPANY PLC DIRECTOR Dr. Collins Ben Telep hone==+229 -981-78311 EMAIL===( (1).YOUR FULL NAME.(2).YOUR HOME ADDRESS.(3).YOUR CURRENT HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER.(4).A COPY OF YOUR PICTURE.(5).CURRENT MAILING ADDRESS.Do let me know immediately you receive your consignment that consistyOur fund that i deposited in the(FedEx)courier company so that we can share the joy togerther. BEST REGARD Mr Daniel Joe